
  • 威廉有一份简单的工作:让尸体消失。这不是他喜欢甚至不想做的事,但由于情况超出他的控制,他在乡下的小农舍已经…
  • 享年仅仅37岁的巴西女歌手依莉丝·雷吉纳(Elis Regina),不但开创上世纪六零年代巴西流行乐MPB风潮,更是享誉国…
  • 战争的阴影伴随着一名困顿的伊拉克战争老兵,他被迫在太平洋西北荒野追逐自己的战友,并最终直面他们两人的战争罪…
  • Bryan Cranston stars as a New Orleans judge who is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his…
  • Across the planet, every animal--predator or prey--has survival advantages honed by millions of years of e…
  • 该剧由音乐人Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson制片,故事描述绰号「鬼魂」的主人公James St. Patrick(Om…
  • The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightc…
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